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International societies
Society for Pediatric Anesthesia
Useful RCOA resources
Quality improvement in paediatric anaesthesia (RCoA)
Guidelines for provision of paediatric anaesthetic services
Information for children, parents and carers
Guidance for paediatric imaging under general anaesthetic
Pediatric Anesthesia Journal Note: Free access for APAGBI members - See How to become a Member | APAGBI
DAS APAGBI Paediatric Difficult Airway guidelines
Guidelines for the management of paediatric tracheostomy emergencies
Resuscitation guidelines
2021 Paediatric Advanced Life Support Guidelines
Paediatric Neuroanaesthesia Network
Orphanet - Portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs
The hypertext links to other sites from within these pages do not represent recommendation or endorsement of the sites, or guarantee accuracy of the information contained on those sites.
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