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APA Link-Network

APA Link-Network Report 

This survey of APA Link Representatives helps to demonstrate a flavour of anaesthetic opinion from around the country in 2023. It highlights the impact of the pandemic on anaesthetic case numbers, the confidence of anaesthetists and their ability to maintain their paediatric skills.

Download 2024 Link Survey


Link-Network ethos - link, learn, connect and collaborate

The APAGBI aims to maintain links with all paediatric anaesthetists, particularly those working in non-specialist hospitals. This allows us to disseminate relevant information more effectively, consult more widely on aspects of clinical practice and service models for children’s surgery, and obtain feedback from those providing these services.

Terms of Reference for the Trust Link-representatives:

The Link Representative will be the liaison between the APA and the personnel delivering anaesthesia for children. They will take responsibility for two-way communication with the APA while actively participating in their regional network. 
The Link Rep will demonstrate a passion for learning, for personal, professional and team development and will connect with other specialities and professions involved in the delivery of care for children.

Link representative database

Since 2005 a database of members has been maintained, and is currently managed by the AAGBI Specialist Societies Coordinator. We would encourage any anaesthetist with a passion for children’s services to register as a Link Rep, particularly Lead Paediatric Anaesthetists. You can do this by emailing apagbiadministration@anaesthetists.org We would be grateful if those already registered, help us to keep the database up-to-date by notifying us of changes in Rep in their institution. The database was updated in 2017 to include trainees who are part of PATRN the trainee network.

APA Link Lead

The APAGBI Link-Network Lead will act as coordinator and work collaboratively with APA council members to promote the maintenance of professional standards, be a catalyst for change and facilitate quality improvement initiatives

Currently,Dr Laurence Hulatt is the Link Lead, and can be contacted via linkman@apagbi.org.uk 
APAGBI Administration, 21 Portland Place, London W1B 1PY.  

APAGBI Support for Regional Network Meetings

The APAGBI is keen to support regional networks to deliver high-quality educational meetings for their local regions.
The APAGBI Link-Network Lead would be happy to be contacted to help regions identify suitable speakers for specific topics.  Please email linkman@apagbi.org.uk 
Additionally, funding in the region of £250 per meeting is available to help support regional meetings. Please see this application form which contains guidance notes explaining the specific requirements and how to apply.

Application for APAGBI Support for Regional Network Meetings