With the support of colleagues from across the regions, the South West and Thames Valley & Wessex Surgery in Children Operational Delivery Networks have developed a competency-based Paediatric Pre-Assessment Practitioner course based on the APAGBI national guidance. The course enables nurses to acquire the required knowledge, experience and skills to assess children and escalate concerns as required, prior to elective surgery.
The course is delivered at no cost, primarily due to the support of local specialist speakers. Course content is delivered by a faculty comprising paediatric anaesthetists, specialist nurses, legal advisors, safeguarding teams, and educators from across both regions (including DGH and tertiary hospitals).
Teaching is delivered virtually via MS TEAMS over 3 days. Candidates have 6 months to complete relevant competencies and are supported and assessed by a local paediatric anaesthetist, using Benner’s ‘Novice to Expert’ scale to measure competence.
The course aims to support the delivery of safe, person-centred care, ‘making every contact count’, as well as supporting theatre efficiency through reduced cancellations and ensuring smooth running of theatre lists. If interested, please contact your local surgery in children lead nurse listed below:
South West and Thames Valley & Wessex
Gael Rolls and Charlotte Hammerton-Jackson
Email SW: swsicodn@uhbw.nhs.uk
TV&W: england.tvwsicodn@nhs.net

North Thames and South Thames
Tanya O'Driscoll and Laura Snow
Email NTPN: Tanya.O'Driscoll@gosh.nhs.uk

West Midlands and North West
Natalie Read and Frances Campion
Email WM:bwc.wmsicodn@nhs.net
NW: NW.SICODN@mft.nhs.uk

North East, North Cumbria and Yorkshire and Humber
Jo Mulholland and Clair Scaife
Email NENC:joanne.mulholland1@nhs.net
Y+H: tr.sicadmin@nhs,net

East of England and East Midlands
Damian Griffiths and Hannah Labrum
Email EOE: add-tr.eoesicodn@nhs.net
East Midlands: emsicn@uhl-tr.nhs.uk