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For those intersted in undertaking research in Paediatric Anaesthesia here is some comprehesive guidance from the Scientific Committe on how to get started: Undertaking Research in Paediatric Anaesthesia


The National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia (NIAA) was established in 2008 and aims to improve patient care by promoting translation of research findings into clinical practice, and facilitating research.

The NIAA maintains a Researcher Database that provides details of research-active individuals. This aims to provide contact details and a resource for networking opportunities for investigators with similar research interests, or for those seeking collaborators or advice. Research-active members of the APAGBI are encouraged to join the Researcher Database


The APAGBI, along with several other specialist societies, is currently an NIAA Funding Partner, and may allocate research funding to specific Funding Rounds co-ordinated by the NIAA.

APAGBI Members who are developing research proposals are encouraged to review the Funding Opportunities for both APAGBI sponsored research and other Grant Calls on the NIAA website. Information regarding current NIAA Research Grant Opportunities is available on the NIAA Website.


APAGBI PROJECTS - Paediatric Anaesthesia Fund for Research and/or Other Projects

The Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists may also directly support projects that serve scientific development in basic or clinical research in the field of paediatric anaesthesia, or will form the basis for future research applications. Opportunities will be listed on this website.

Current Projects (stand early 2018)

PAediatric unPlanned dAYcase Admission (PAPAYA) – PATRN 

Children’s Acute Surgical Abdomen Pilot Programme (CASAPP)