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Best Practice: Preassessment Guidance

We are delighted to publish the first APAGBI guidance on preassessment services for children undergoing surgery or a procedure.

This guidance has been developed by an expert panel over the last two years in partnership with the RCOA, who have endorsed this guidance. The guidance was developed at the request of the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch who recognised that these standards were required to support the development of preassessment services for children, which has not occurred in a  similar fashion to adult services. This guidance has been supported in its development by other professional bodies and leads for children's’ services within NHSE. We hope that this guidance will enable all healthcare staff involved in preparing children and young people for surgery to establish and develop this important service.

Further Pre-Operative Assessment information & guidance is available on the Professionals>>Paediatric Peri-Operative Care Pages 

Dr Simon Courtman