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APA Link-Network Meetings

APA Link-Network Paediatric Anaesthesia Meeting 2024



APA Link-Network Paediatric Anaesthesia Meeting 2024

In-person meeting at The Royal College of Anaesthetists, London
Monday 9th December 2024 - 10:00 - 16:30

Event Site & Meeting Details

The APA Link Network exists to maintain and build links with all anaesthetists who care for children – with the ethos link, learn, connect and collaborate. This meeting is for everyone who anaesthetises children with lots of great topics all relevant to the generalist anaesthetist.
After a successful virtual meeting last year we are delighted to be welcoming you to London for a face-to-face meeting.  We hope that you will enjoy the excellent content from our expert speakers.  Just as importantly, a real strength of the Link network is the chance to meet like-minded colleagues from around the country to collaborate and share ideas.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Dr Laurence Hulatt
APAGBI Link Network Lead

APAGBI Link Network Meeting Pages




APA Link-Network Meeting Archive

The first ‘Linkman’ Meeting was held at the Royal College of Anaesthetists in 2006 and continued on an annual basis until 2011. No meeting took place in 2012 while a reassessment of the Linkman scheme took place.   Here is an archive of material from the meetings from 2006 to 2021.

APA Link Network meeting 2023

APA Link-Network Paediatric Anaesthesia Meeting 2023

Ths meeting took place as a virtual meeting on Wednesday 22nd November 2023.
We were delighted to see so many of you joining us live online - not just from the UK, but also from a wider international audience.
Remember that registered delegates can watch all of the content again on 'catch-up' - at https://apagbionline.talkingslideshd.com/view?event=583 
Access details are in your original joining instructions. 

View Programme

Link Network Programme


APA Linkman November 2021

APA Linkman November 2021

The November 2021 meeting was an online virtual meeting and consisted of the following three topics:


Getting It Right First Time

Professor Simon Kenny, National Clinical Director for Children and Young People in England, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon at Alder Hey Children's Hospital and Senior Honorary Lecturer.

Consent for MRI under General Anaesthesia

Dr Russell Perkins, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital and Vice-Chair of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.

Update on POEMS 

Dr Richard Martin, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist at Great Ormond Street and Honorary Senior Lecturer.  He co-founded the POEMS course for teaching about Procedure-Induced Anxiety Management, as well as writing the book "The Management of Procedure-Induced Anxiety in Children". 

APA Linkman online February 2021


The focus for February’s online Linkman meeting was updates and new perspectives on aspects of everyday service which were bread and butter before COVID and are not going to go away post-COVID.

The recorded programme can still be accessed by registered delegates at the APA Talking Slides Site apagbionline.talkingslideshd.com

Little Journey, using virtual reality for paediatric preoperative preparation.
Chris Evans, Paediatric Anaesthetist, University College London Hospital and Founder of The Little Spark Hospital, UK 

Pre-assessment in paediatric anaesthesia.
Simon Courtman, Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, UK and Hon. Secretary to APAGBI.

Experience running in situ Emergency simulation.
Hannah Lonsdale, Consultant Anaesthetist, Sheffield Children's Hospital and  currently Research Associate, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Maryland, USA 

Consent, implications of the new GMC guidance.
Hugo Wellesley, Paediatric Anaesthetist, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust 


APA Linkman Meeting 2017
APA Linkman Meeting 2019

This was the last full day face to face meeting in advance of the COVID pandemic.  There was a full programme including the following topics:

Pre-meeting workshop

Pros and cons of physical examination at pre-operative assessment. Dr John Rutherford

Paediatric airway Session

  • UK Paediatric ENT review – What changes for the DGH anaesthetist? Dr Karen Bartholomew
  • Paediatric Daycase Tonsillectomy – How are we doing? Dr Graham Wilson
  • Paediatric NTSP - Resources for occasional paediatric anaesthetists and non-specialist centres. Dr Catherine Doherty

Perioperative medicine Session

  • Well prepared for surgery- focussing on the obese child. Dr Nadia Ladak
  • Parental smoking cessation. Dr Catherine Riley
  • Non cardiac surgery for children with heart disease– a national survey of anaesthetic practice. Dr Dan Taylor

Updates Session

  • Pain relief for children made simple. Dr David Mason
  • Big data in paediatric anaesthesia. Dr Jurgen de Graaf
  • Looking after yourself. Dr John Cottingham
  • Traumatic brain injury in children - the guideline update. Dr Drahus Sokol

Meeting programme 


APA Linkman Meeting 2016

Consent and Candour in Paediatrics - A Medicolegal update - Dr Wellesley

Strategies to eliminate Accidental Awareness under GA in the paediatric population - Dr Sury

APA Linkman Survey on Provision of Paediatric Anaesthetic services in DGHs - Dr Bartholomew

Is inhalational induction justifiable in paediatric emergencies? - Dr Craig

Neonatal Airway Training - Dr Ridgway