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APAGBI Annual Scientific Meeting
Thursday 15th & Friday 16th May 2025

On behalf of the APAGBI, we are delighted for the opportunity to invite you to join us at our Annual Scientific Meeting in Edinburgh in 2025. It has been a decade since we last held our meeting in Scotland, and much longer since we visited the historic capital city of Edinburgh with its spectacular views, panoramas and iconic skyline.





Future Meetings

The APAGBI Meetings Committee has agreed the following schedule for future meetings:

  • 2026 South West - TBC
  • 2027 Oxford - TBC

2021 APAGBI 2021 Online Series.

The APAGBI organised a number of meetings for 2021 as part of the APAGBI 2021 Online Series.

The Series consisted of the ASM and a Bitesize Meeting Registration information about the Series can be found on the >>Event Microsite

The ASM Archive in this section provides information from many previous years.

For information on UK courses organised by other societies and regional centres, click here: Others' events