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Welcome to the APA education and training pages.
On behalf of the Education and Training Committee, welcome to the APA education and training pages on our exciting new website. We have been working hard to bring you resources on these pages that reflect the reality of the current working life of a paediatric anaesthetist; quickly accessible, quality resources.
You will see that the site is divided into a number of different sections to help you navigate quickly and easily among the varied resources. This should help you find what you need and maybe encourage you to look at something new!
These sections either signpost to resources that we have developed ourselves or highlight those available already. They are regularly updated and reviewed to save you time.
If you know of further educational resources that may be of interest to members please do let us know. If links are broken or don’t work then please email the Webmaster so that we can rectify things as soon as possible. If there are new sections you think we might add then please email education@apagbi.org.uk or tweet us.
Paediatric Life Support course funding >>> expand to read more
To all trainee members of the APA interested in attending APLS or EPALS courses
The APAGBI has some good news for trainee members requiring funding for APLS and EPALS courses.
By virtue of being unable to have an ASM in the last year, the APA have some funds available for worthwhile causes.
We are very aware that many trainees have been struggling with funding for APLS and EPLS courses so we are offering a contribution of £150 for any trainee attending such a course.
The conditions of the offer are simple and stated below:
- Available to existing trainee members of the APA only
- Application for funding must be before the course is taken
- £150 can be reclaimed from the APA on proof of course completion
- Applies to 1 course per trainee only (not an annual allowance)
Links to the relevant courses can be found below:
For details of how to claim, please email:
This is a great opportunity that is currently available until the end of 2022 and will then be reviewed.
Best wishes
Judith Nolan
Chair of the APAGBI Education and Training Committee