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Training in Safeguarding is an integral part of paediatric anaesthesia. The competences for health care professionals have been revised and are published in the 4th edition of the Intercollegiate document, 2019. This may be viewed here, together with a joint statement form the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the APAGBI regarding the role of the Lead Paediatric Anaesthetist in Child Protection and Safeguarding:

All clinical staff involved in the care of children require Level 2 training. Those taking key roles such as lead paediatric anaesthetist or more specifically a designated Lead for Safeguarding require Level 3 training. You may wish to note that there is no requirement for all paediatric anaesthetists to be Level 3 trained.

The 2019 (4th edition) of the Intercollegiate document linked above helps to clarify this; see footnote 2 on page 28 of this document. Safeguarding competencies form part of the RCoA matrix and are an important element of Revalidation.

The RCoA in association with APAGBI have developed an excellent web resource to assist colleagues with both personal and group based Safeguarding training - RCOA Safeguarding Plus

The APAGBI Safeguarding lead is Dr Nirmala Soundararajan


See www.rcoa.ac.uk/system/files/LeadAnaesthetistCP2016.pdf and www.rcoa.ac.uk/safeguardingplus.

The minimum level for the majority of anaesthetists (including trainees) will be level 2, with the Lead Paediatric Anaesthetist for Safeguarding/Child Protection requiring level 3. Some departments may, according to size and paediatric workload, require more than one anaesthetist at level 3 (core). This should be determined locally.