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The work of APA Council is wide-ranging and this includes areas of activity that require ongoing and regular input. This work is generally overseen by individual committees which report to council.

These committees include members from council and co-optees who may be able to provide valuable input into the work of the committee. Most committees meet on a regular basis, either in person or increasingly by video conferencing.

Much of the preparatory work goes on behind the scenes and each committee will have different flows of work which reflect their individual areas of responsibility. An overview of the work of each committee, it's membership and terms of reference are included in the menu.

The President and Honorary Secretary of the APA are ex-officio members of all these committees.

Dr Chris Gildersleve
Previous Immediate Past President
Russell Perkins
Dr Russel Perkins
Co-opted member, Royal College of Anaesthetists

Dept of Paediatric Anaesthesia
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
Upper Brook Street
M13 9WL

Dr. Ken Barker
Co-opted member, Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Dr Bill Walsh
Member for Ireland
Dr Sumit Das
Immediate Past Secretary

Oxford Children's Hospital
John Radcliffe
Headley Way
Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU

Dr Philip Arnold
Previous Chair of Scientific Committee

Alder Hey Children's Hospital,Eaton Road, Liverpool, L12 2AP 

Dr Arun Ghose
Paediatric Critical Care Representative
Jonathan Smith
Dr Jonathan Smith
Chair Meetings Committee
Colin Dryden
Dr Colin Dryden
Outgoing Chair of Meetings Committee
Brian Foster
Dr Brian Foster
Northern Ireland Representative
Camilla Poulton
Ms Camilla Poulton
Patients’ Advisor
Dr Nicola Disma
Overseas Member

Department of Anesthesia, Instituto Giannina Gaslini, Italy

Dr Janet Stansfield
Previous Home Member

Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist
Birmingham Children's Hospital

Dr Sarah Greenaway
Home Member | Sustainability
Catalina Stendall
Home member | Chair Education Committee

I am a Consultant Anaesthetist at Birmingham Women's and Children's Hospital. 
My main interests are Neuro and Craniofacial Anaesthesia. 
I am the department lead for sustainability. I have a particular interest in Education and simulation, and I am part of the Faculty for MEPA courses for trainees and consultants in the region.

Natalie Quinn

I am a consultant in paediatric anaesthesia based at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital. My interests in education and global health have allowed me to support a variety of platforms within the UK and internationally, to include delivery of SAFE, MEPA and ALS courses, across postgraduate and undergraduate arenas. I look forward to continuing this education and training work with the APA. 

Dr. Zuzana Kusnirikova
Scotland Representative | SPAN Chair
Dr. Vimmi Oshan
QI Lead
Dr Laurence Hulatt
APAGBI Secretary

Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Derriford Road

Dr Nirmala Soundararajan
Home Member | Safeguarding
Hannah Lewis
Science Committee
Dr Nadia Ladak
Home Member | Paediatric Perioperative Assessment

Sheffield Childrens Hospital

Dr Catherine Riley
Newly Appointed Consultant

Sheffield Childrens Hospital

Marie Roberts
Education Committee Co-Opted Member

I have worked as a paediatric anaesthetist at the Children’s Hospital for Wales, Cardiff since 2013 and I have been a member of the APAGBI Education and Training committee since March 2023. I have an avid interest in education and training. I have been College Tutor for the last 5 years and prior to this, deputy College Tutor and paediatric module supervisor. Over the last few years, I have helped manage the transition to the 2021 curriculum and shape how paediatric training is now delivered across Wales. 

I worked alongside the APA council as lead local organiser for the first post-pandemic in person APAGBI ASM in Cardiff, in 2022.  This experience has taught me how to arrange large scientific meetings during times of uncertainty, and how to put together scientific and social programmes. My experience of working alongside the APA council and Professional Conference Organisers was invaluable.

I am particularly interested in supporting the delivery of the 2021 curriculum and maintaining the confidence and skills of paediatric anaesthetists in non-specialist centres. Integral to this is helping to improve communication between specialist and non-specialist hospitals. 

Dr Naveen Canchi-Murali
Education Committee Co-Opted Member

I am a consultant paediatric anaesthetist at Birmingham Women’s & Children’s Hospital. My main interests include paediatric scoliosis surgery, regional anaesthesia, difficult vascular access & paediatric TIVA. I am the anaesthetic lead for spine surgery & deputy-chair for spines MDT. I love teaching blocks & always keen to adopt new technologies.

Babette Clinck
Education Committee Co-Opted Member

I am a paediatric anaesthetist at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool with a special interest in regional techniques. I am a firm believer in the principle that sharing expertise is gaining expertise. As a member of the APA, I aspire to facilitate collaboration and teaching opportunities for all professionals.

Su Ying
Education Committee Co-Opted Member

I am a Consultant Anaesthetist in Royal Hospital for Children and Young People Edinburgh. 
My main interests are regional anaesthesia, TIVA and sustainability. 
I am the department lead for regional anaesthesia and MRI. 
I am a keen educator involved in resuscitation council courses and teaching in the region. 

Dr Jonny Kenth
Chair Science Committee

I am an Academic Consultant in Paediatric Anaesthesia at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Manchester. Bridging clinical practice with cutting-edge research, I focus on Health Data Science—including biostatistics, clinical risk prediction modelling, artificial intelligence, machine learning, healthcare informatics, quantitative methodologies, and novel data-driven epistemologies. In Paediatric Anaesthesia, my interests lie in neonatal anaesthesia, managing difficult paediatric airways,  and improving perioperative outcomes for children with inherited metabolic diseases.

Dr Zoe Burton
Home Member | Link Network Lead
Toni Brunning
RCoA Representative
Ben Hockenhull
Association of Anaesthetists (AoA) Representative
Kate Tabrett
Social Media Development