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Paediatric Perioperative Care (PPOC)

“Every child having a GA for a procedure/operation should expect to receive pre-operative assessment that meets the medical, physical and emotional needs of that child”.

The P-POC group was started in 2015 by a group of paediatric anaesthetists who recognised the importance of pre-assessment for children and perioperative medicine aimed at improving outcomes from surgery and anaesthesia. 

There is a limited presence of standards in existing publications around perioperative medicine and preassessment in children. GPAS (RCOA, 2017) has one specific reference to this and also highlights perioperative medicine as one of the important areas of future research. There is very little published on perioperative care which could support the development of services in hospitals.

There is a lack of evidence to help advance perioperative medicine for children. There is a need  to demonstrate benefit in a measurable form, beyond just cost savings and improved theatre list efficiency. The P-POC group hope to start projects looking at the broader aspects of paediatric perioperative care and also concentrate on some specific care pathways.

PPOC Sub-committee members

Dr Nadia Ladak (Chair)
Dr Sam Black
Dr Amy Norrington
Dr Maggie Babbs
Dr Shyamala Moganasundram
Dr Barry Lambert
Dr Catherine Riley
Dr Alex Norris (Trainee Rep)

Useful Resources


in a box

A paediatric Pre Assessment service in a box

Provided by South Tees NHS Foundation trust, the 'in a box' signposts to the various resoursces helpful in running a successful pre assessment service


Anaesthesia for Children living with Obesity

Anaesthesia for Children living with Obesity - Single Sheet Guideline

Linked to and hosted on SOBA site.

Developed by Society of Bariatric Anaesthesia

Authors Dr Zoë Burton, Dr Katherine Russell, Dr Francesca Saddington, and Mr Mohammed AbouDaya

Preassessment Guidance

Best Practice guideline: Preassessment Services for Children undergoing Surgery or Procedures

Best Practice Guidelines QR Code
Paediatric Pre-Assessment GuidelinesSouth Tees NHS Foundation Trust Paediatric Pre-Assessment Guidelines
C-POC Paediatric Newsletter March 2022
C-POC ( Center for peri-operative care) paediatric themed newsletter October 2021.


The Handbook of Perioperative Medicines