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A collection of resources useful for anaesthetic training and continuing professional development.

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Guidance on how to evidence Paediatric Key Capabilities in the 2021 curriculum

This guidance on how to evidence Paediatric Key Capabilities in the 2021 curriculum, has been published by Dr Mari Roberts & the education team. 

Download Paediatric Training Guidance for the 2021 Curriculum

Curriculum & BJA Education Articles Mapping

Paediatric anaesthesia subjects mapped to BJA education articles. This document should be read with the following List of Paediatric Anaesthesia related BJA Articles

Download Curriculum & BJA Education Articles Mapping

List of Paediatric Anaesthesia related BJA Articles

List of BJA Education articles, with key capability mapping and links to articles. Read in conjunction with above document. 


List of Paediatric Anaesthesia related BJA Articles

Paediatric Training Guidance - Webpage part in developemnt
 General guidance
1Anaesthetists in training can draw on a broad range of evidence including SLEs, personal activities and personal reflections to demonstrate attainment of the Key Capabilities.
2Evidence should be collected throughout each stage of training, but it is desirable that a dedicated block of paediatric training is delivered at either stage 2 or 3, or both if possible.
3The use of a CCC form is recommended for all stages of training for the assessment of Paediatric Key Capabilities. This Triple C Form should be completed by the designated trainer for the paediatric module.  This may be a different designated trainer for each of the stages of the 2021 Curriculum (depending on the different departmental arrangements), but this information should be clearly accessible for both trainers and anaesthetists-in-training. Schools of anaesthesia are encouraged to have a consistent approach across their region.
4There is no requirement for a minimum number of SLEs, sessions or logbook numbers at each stage. The anaesthetist in training should use SLEs in a formative way to demonstrate reflection on learning and progress.
5Anaesthetists in training should use appropriate SLEs to clearly demonstrate that they have achieved each of the key capabilities. These should be supported by completion of an MTR.
6Anaesthetists in Training do not have to have a specific SLE with the suggested supervision level to meet the HALO requirements, but they do need to demonstrate progress, and the HALO trainer or Lead Faculty decision will be based on all the evidence supplied and observation in practice.
7A single piece of evidence can be used to evidence more than one of the Key Capabilities or a Key Capability cluster, where appropriate.
Stage 1
Stage 1

The Key Capabilities at this stage are outlined below with examples of evidence that can be used to demonstrate achievement of each key capability. All Key Capabilities (both clusters and individual) should have appropriate evidence linked.

The Key Capabilities span the Safeguarding, General Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine, Pain and Intensive Care HALOs.

Summary of what is required

    ⁃    Multiple SLEs and reflective pieces which support the achievement of the key capabilities below

    ⁃    Supportive logbook evidence

    ⁃    MTR which supports the achievement of the key capabilities below at the required supervision levels