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APA Networks

Networks are playing an increasingly important role in delivering safe surgical services for children in differnt regions about the UK and Ireland. Networks strive to support each hospital and anaesthetist who delivers children's anaesthesia and surgery, and ensure that children have care delivered in the right place, in a timely way and by clinicians with up to date training and skills. As well as Paediatric anaesthetic networks, each region usually has a paediatric critical care and surgical network and these should work together to achieve the above goals.

Below is an attempt to define the current networks within the UK and Ireland and provide some further information about each.

National Networks

SPAN - Scottish Paediatric Anaesthetic Network

PAGW - Paediatric Anaesthetic Group of Wales

NIPAN - Northen Ireland Paediatric Anaesthetic Network

IPAN - Ireland Paediatric Anaesthetic Network

England Regional Networks

SWACA - South West Association of Children's Anaesthetists

WACA - Wessex Association of Children's Anaesthetists

SEPAP - South East Paediatric anaesthetic Partnership

Thames PAG - Thames Paediatric Anaesthetic Group

OxRPAG - Oxford Regional Paediatric anaesthetic Group

East of England

East Midlands

PAN-WM - Paediatric Anaesthetic Network -West Midlands

NWPAG - North West Paediatric Anaesthetic Group

NEPAN - North East Paediatric Anaesthetic Network

YPAN - Yorkshire Paediatric anaesthetic Network