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Courses around the UK offer offer training in paediatric anaesthesia and critical care.

A selection of such courses are listed below. Please let us know of any courses you would like added to this page - webmaster@apagbi.org.uk 

Financial Support for Virtual Educational Meetings for Paediatric Anaesthesia

The APA is offering financial support for virtual educational meetings. Please read the proposal and application forms below for more information.

Proposal for financial support for virtual educational meetings
Application form for financial support

Paediatric Anaesthesia

Manchester Advanced Trainees in Paediatric anaesthesia Teaching 2025


Programme for Joint Study Days for Advanced Trainees in Paediatric Anaesthesia 2024-2025

This programme is aimed at Paediatirc Anaesthesia Trainees, but is open and free for all.




ZOOM link






Dr Anju A Bendon


Neonatal Anaesthesia







Dr Azza Kibeida

Congenital Heart Disease and Anaesthesia







Dr Anju A Bendon


Renal, Liver and Metabolic 



                                                     Meeting ID: 465 299 8711

Passcode: VeK989






Dr Joanne Haidon/ Dr Tamryn Miller


Neuro, Craniofacial, Cleft repairs including Airway 




                                                 Meeting ID: 465 299 8711

                                                 Passcode: VeK989






LGI (Leeds)

Dr Rory Colhoun


Chronic Pain, Regional Anaesthesia, Spine Surgery



                                                    Meeting ID: 465 299 8711

Passcode: VeK989







RVI (Newcastle)

Dr Ilma Songaile




                                                    Meeting ID: 465 299 8711

Passcode: VeK989











Dr Joanne Haidon


Case Based Discussions on various topics



                                                Meeting ID: 465 299 8711

Passcode: VeK989








Paediatric Airway Management Course (Manchester)


Introducing the Paediatric Airway Management (PAM) Course, hosted by Manchester University Hospitals NHS FT/North Manchester General Hospital. 

The course is accredited by the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) and offers four CPD points. The course and the online webinar are free of charge. 

Registration Link 

For further download flyer below or contact : pam.nmgh@gmail.com

Dr Ayman Edarous
Consultant anaesthetist
Clinical Lead Paediatric Anaesthesia
North Manchester General Hospital
Manchester University Hospitals NHS FT


Paediatric Airway Management Course Flyer

PAGW - Paediatric Anaesthetists Group in Wales Scientific Meeting

PAGWJoining forces with the Society of Anaesthetists in Wales the Paediatric Anaesthetists Group in Wales ( PAGW ) are looking forward to hosting the autumn scientific meeting. 

Join us at the Leonardo Hotel Cardiff on the 11th October 2024 

Details & registration 


Mind and Machine: Now and in the Future

23rd Royal London Education Day: Mind and Machine: Now and in the Future

7th November 2024

Where: One Birdcage Walk Westminster


Join us for our annual education day! This year we are focussing on the mind: natural and artificial and including our signature debate! All members of MDT welcome as well as associated specialties!

Course Organisers: Shylesh Aravindan, Corinne Stannard, Norlan Lau, Barry Clifton

23rd Royal London Education Day: Mind and Machine: Now and in the Future

30th Annual Manchester Paediatric Anaesthesia Update

Friday 21st June 2024 | Manchester Conference Centre

Download Flyer for full programme details. 



30th Annual Manchester Paediatric Anaesthesia Update Flyer

Little Lectures

Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Trust presents “LITTLE LECTURES” to promote (international) collaboration and teaching between hospitals and colleagues and give all the opportunity to learn, support each other and grow as professionals.

Next Lecture:

Monday 18th of March 2024 18:30 - 20:30 Navigating complex cases without:

  • ... Without Propofol Dr Rishi Diwan Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, UK
  • … Without Sevoflurane Dr Radha Ravi Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, UK
Little Lectures Flyer and Registration details

OxPDAW 2024

Oxford Paediatric Difficult Airway Workshop 

Date: 10th May 2024 

Venue: Millennium Hall, Oxford 



OxPDAW 2024 Flyer & Registration Download

TIVA for Tots

TIVA 4 TOTS Thursday 16th November 2023
TIVA for tots

TIVA for Tots 2023 Flyer

22nd Barts and the London Paediatric Anaesthesia Education Day

22nd Barts and the London Paediatric Anaesthesia Education Day

When: 20th November 2023 

Where: Royal College of Anaesthetists

Details and booking on https://www.eventbrite.com/

Join us for three great sessions on 'Saving our Planet', 'Saving our Moral Compass' and 'Saving a child's life'. Anaesthetists and the wider MDT are welcome!

Session 1: Saving the Planet

Paediatric Anaesthesia and the Environment: How Can We Reduce Our Impact?

TIVA in Babies and Children

Top Tips for TIVA in Children, Neuro-monitoring in Children

Session 2: Saving our Moral Compass

Has Our Capability to Treat Children Outgunned Our Ethical Understanding?

A moderated conversation on a thorny topic.

Challenges Facing World Beating Paediatric Research and How to Deal With Them

Debate: Parental Presence at Resuscitation

"Parents should always be allowed to be present during the cardiac arrest resuscitation attempt for their child"

Session 3: Saving a Child's Life

Advances in Paediatric Resuscitation in the Last Ten Years

Resuscitation for Children

Anaphylaxis in Children, Training Paediatric Resuscitation in the Community

FEAST 10yrs on: What Has Changed, What Should Have Changed?

COAST: Is There A Message for Paediatric Resuscitation in the UK?


Alder Hey Little Lectures

1830-1915*: Gastric ultrasound as an aspiration risk assessment tool?
Dr Peter Van De Putte MD, PhD
Imelda, Bonheiden, Belgium

1915-2000*: Paediatric Perioperative Fluid Management Myths
Dr Ahmed Mesbah MB BCh FCAI FRCA
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada

2000-2045*: Transfusion in Paediatrics
Dr Margaret Hanley MD
IWK Health Center, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
End anticipated: 21:00

Invitation little lectures fluid management

Scottish Paediatric Network Spring Meeting

The meeting will be hybrid, though we much prefer to see people face to face.

We have booked the Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh: The Caledonian, just a 10-minute stroll from Edinburgh Haymarket train station.

Please come and see us, enjoy some coffee, some great company, fabulous food and of course a fantastic programme of talks and interactive sessions.

Register at https://bookcpd.com/course/span-spring-meeting-2023


Topics to be covered include:

  • Processed EEG in children
  • Managing Acute Anxiety
  • Paediatric Pain Services
  • Expert Case Discussion Panel Session
  • Trainee Poster and Oral Sessions
  • Separate trainee education session

Royal London 21st Annual Education Day in Paediatric Anaesthesia

The 21st Annual Education Day in Paediatric Anaesthesia hosted by the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesia, Barts Health Children's Hospital. 
November 15th 2022

Recognised for 5 CPD points by the RCoA
Event Details & Booking


The programme includes sessions on paediatric trauma, neonatal troubleshooting and top tips for the DGH anaesthetist as well as the legendary debate, and guest speakers from Israel and Austria and many closer to home.

In the meantime best wishes, and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the meeting in November.

Corinne, Lionel, Anil, Jo and Shylesh.

Great Ormond Street Hospital Paediatric Difficult Airway Course

Date: 7th November 2022

Location: Doubletree by Hilton 92 Southampton Row London WC1B 4BH

The GOSH Paediatric Difficult Airway Course is aimed at anaesthetic consultants and trainees who wish to develop, improve and update their skills in the management of children with difficult airways. The focus of the day is to give you hands on experience and to share our expertise. Airway specialist consultant paediatric anaesthetists will present short lectures before you have the opportunity to practice with difficult airway devices and techniques. The management of real paediatric difficult airway cases will be discussed in small groups giving everyone a chance to share experiences.

Places: 30

Cost: £250

Course organiser: Dr Jamuna Navaratnarajah

Event contact: gosh.airway2022@gmail.com

CPD accreditation: 5 CPD credits (pending approval)


SAFE Paediatrics UK course

The course covers anaesthesia for common elective and emergency conditions in children, pain management, fluid resuscitation, newborn and paediatric life support and paediatric trauma management.

Courses can be found on the https://anaesthetists.org/Home/International/Our-international-work/Safer-Anaesthesia-From-Education-SAFE pages


Other Courses of Interest

Gene Therapy in Paediatrics Education Event


he NIHR Great Ormond Street Hospital Biomedical Research Centre (NIHR GOSH BRC) Gene, Stem and Cellular Therapies (GSCT) Theme is excited to host its first National Gene Therapy in Paediatrics Education Event on Tuesday 28th January 2025. GOSH BRC is looking forward to bringing together paediatricians, paediatricians-in-training, GPs with an interest in paediatrics, and allied health professionals (AHPs) from across the UK who are working to improve the lives of children and young people.

This event aims to provide a carefully structured and comprehensive information on gene therapy technologies, long term effects and latest advancements in gene therapy, focusing on its applications in paediatric care. We have space for at least 60 attendees. There is a limited number of fully funded places for those who would otherwise find it challenging to access this opportunity. Please indicate in the expression of interest form (attached) if you would like to be considered for a fully funded position.

Date: 28 January 2025

Time: 10:00 – 16:00

Location: Zayed Centre for Research into Rare Disease in Children, London

Registration Fee: £50


To apply, please complete the attached expression of interest (EOI) Form and submit to brc@gosh.nhs.uk by Monday 9 December 2024, 23:59

Paediatric Pre-Assessment Practitioner course

With the support of colleagues from across the regions, the South West and Thames Valley & Wessex Surgery in Children Operational Delivery Networks have developed a competency-based  Paediatric Pre-Assessment Practitioner course based on the APAGBI national guidance. The course  enables nurses to acquire the required knowledge, experience and skills to assess children and escalate concerns as required, prior to elective surgery. 

The course is delivered at no cost, primarily due to the support of local specialist speakers. Course content is delivered by a faculty comprising paediatric anaesthetists, specialist nurses, legal advisors, safeguarding teams, and educators from across both regions (including DGH and tertiary hospitals). 

Teaching is delivered virtually via MS TEAMS over 3 days.  Candidates have 6 months to complete relevant competencies and are supported and assessed by a local paediatric anaesthetist, using Benner’s ‘Novice to Expert’ scale to measure competence.

The course aims to support the delivery of safe, person-centred care, ‘making every contact count’, as well as supporting theatre efficiency through reduced cancellations and ensuring smooth running of theatre lists. If interested, please contact your local surgery in children lead nurse listed below:


South West and Thames Valley & Wessex 

Gael Rolls and Charlotte Hammerton-Jackson

Email SW: swsicodn@uhbw.nhs.uk

TV&W: england.tvwsicodn@nhs.net


South West Surgery in Children ...A close-up of a logo

Description automatically generated


North Thames and South Thames 

Tanya O'Driscoll and Laura Snow

Email NTPN: Tanya.O'Driscoll@gosh.nhs.uk


North Thames Paediatric NetworkSouth Thames Paediatric Network - YouTube


West Midlands and North West

Natalie Read and Frances Campion

Email WM:bwc.wmsicodn@nhs.net 

NW: NW.SICODN@mft.nhs.uk

WM Paediatric Critical Care Network ... Cancer Operational Delivery Network

North East, North Cumbria and Yorkshire and Humber

Jo Mulholland and Clair Scaife

Email NENC:joanne.mulholland1@nhs.net

Y+H: tr.sicadmin@nhs,net 

Home A logo for a hospital

Description automatically generated


East of England and East Midlands

Damian Griffiths and Hannah Labrum

Email EOE: add-tr.eoesicodn@nhs.net

East Midlands: emsicn@uhl-tr.nhs.uk 

Surgery in Children | East of England ...Surgery in Children :: East Midlands ...


RCOA CPD Approved Events

There are usually a selection of approved paediatric events amongst the CPD diary which is updated weekly.

22nd Barts and the London Paediatric Anaesthesia Education Day

22nd Barts and the London Paediatric Anaesthesia Education Day

When: 20th November 2023 

Where: Royal College of Anaesthetists



Join us for three great sessions on 'Saving our Planet', 'Saving our Moral Compass' and 'Saving a child's life'. Anaesthetists and the wider MDT are welcome!


Session 1: Saving the Planet

Paediatric Anaesthesia and the Environment: How Can We Reduce Our Impact?

TIVA in Babies and Children

Top Tips for TIVA in Children, Neuro-monitoring in Children

Session 2: Saving our Moral Compass

Has Our Capability to Treat Children Outgunned Our Ethical Understanding?

A moderated conversation on a thorny topic.

Challenges Facing World Beating Paediatric Research and How to Deal With Them

Debate: Parental Presence at Resuscitation

"Parents should always be allowed to be present during the cardiac arrest resuscitation attempt for their child"

Session 3: Saving a Child's Life

Advances in Paediatric Resuscitation in the Last Ten Years

Resuscitation for Children


Anaphylaxis in Children, Training Paediatric Resuscitation in the Community

FEAST 10yrs on: What Has Changed, What Should Have Changed?

COAST: Is There A Message for Paediatric Resuscitation in the UK?


Simulation Courses

Paediatric Advanced Trauma Skills Course

May 10th & 11th 2023
Nov 9th & 10th 2023

Royal London Hospital Simulation Centre

Paediatric Trauma course open to people from multiple disciplines including anaesthesia at a registrar or consultant level. 

Held in Royal London Hospital Education Academy in Whitechapel and has a multi-disciplinary faculty from across London and surrounding areas.

  • 2 Day course covering Advanced Paediatric Trauma Skills
  • Do you have and interest/questions about paediatric trauma?
  • Need more experience in managing Paediatric Trauma?
  • Beyond APLS/ATLS • Multidisciplinary Consultantled faculty
  • Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Anaesthetics, Surgeons

Contact RLH_SIM_ADMIN@bartshealth.nhs.uk

Trauma Course Advert


GOSH MEPA courses have restarted.
  • Course for consultants (MEPA-FC) on 3rd March 
  • Course trainees (MEPA- FT) on 4th May 
  • Course trainees (MEPA- FT) on18th July.
Candidates will need to create an account on the DEN website to be able to book the course. Details are in the attached file.
Course Registration & Enrolment

Birmingham Acute Paediatric Airway Course (BACPAC)

The one-day course is based around practical aspects of airway management in children, and is designed to be relevant to anaesthetists, intensivists or emergency department doctors.

Contact Lorraine.darby1@nhs.net or hardeep.chahal@nhs.net for further details


BACPAC course flyer

Managing Emergencies in Paediatric Anaesthesia (MEPA)

MEPA Courses Nationwide

Trainees and consultants in the UK can develop management strategies for emergencies in paediatric anaesthesia using high-fidelity simulation.

Note: The MEPA website has out of date credentials, so may present a security warning on your web browser

MEPA at Sheffield

At Sheffield Children’s Hospital we run our anaesthetic simulation program within the clinical environment.  For our MEPA courses we use either the anaesthetic area of our MRI suite or our theatres. We run trainee courses every 3 months for our in-house trainees.  For candidates from outside the deanery there is a charge of £120. 

MEPA at Oxford

We run this one-day simulation course at Oxford Children's Hospital in our high fidelity suite, OxStar. It is led by experienced paediatric anaesthetists and we run both MEPA For Trainees and MEPA For Consultants courses.

MEPA at Birmingham

MEPA courses are run regularly by faculty from Birmingham Children's Hospital.

Birmingham MEPA Flyer