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The Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists uses secretarial and office facilities based at the AAGBI.
The Members of Council include the President (and Immediate Past and future Presidents), Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary (and Immediate Past Treasurer and Secretary for one year), five Home Members (from the UK and Republic of Ireland), one Trainee Representative and one Overseas Member. A representative from each of the Paediatric Intensive Care Society, Association of Anaesthetists and the RCoA Council (if it includes an APA member), a Lay Representative and the Chairs of the Scientific Committee, Education and Training committee and Professional Standards Committee (all past Council Members who have completed their elected terms of Office) are co-opted to Council. Full details of Council membership, election and terms of office may be found in the Standing Orders of the APA
Information for Council Members
Here is some more information about what is involved being a member of APA Council: