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Research Network (PATRN)

What is PATRN?

Originally founded by two senior anaesthetic trainees, Paediatric Anaesthesia Trainee Research Network (PATRN) is a network of motivated and enthusiastic anaesthetic trainees with an interest in paediatric anaesthesia. We form a collaborative via which trainees can undertake multi-centre research and audit projects. PATRN is supported by the APAGBI Scientific Committee. Although we are predominantly a trainee network, all non-consultant doctors are also welcome as PATRN representatives and committee members.


How do I get involved?

There is a large amount of paediatric anaesthesia occurring in non-specialist centres. We aim to maintain a trainee in every hospital that anaesthetises children. Some of our projects will be suitable for all hospitals, others for tertiary centres. Any non-consultant anaesthetist can be part of PATRN.

Please contact us via email patrn@apagbi.org.uk

In non-specialist centres, the APA linkmen may also be the PATRN consultant supervisor.


Who is my PATRN Representative?

We are currently updating the PATRN database.

This lists the PATRN representatives in each centre.

If you would like to get involved, then drop us a line with your name, grade and current training location at patrn@apagbi.org.uk.

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PATRN Summer Newsletter 2024

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